Duty to inform lt. §5 paragraph 1 e-commerce law hotel of Jennys Schlössl
Plojenweg 9
A-6534 Serfaus
Tel. +43(0)5476/6654
Fax +43 (0) 5476/6654-54
Professional group: Hotellerie
Supervisory authority: Land court of Innsbruck
Professional guild: Hotellerie
Company book number: FN 332053 p
Concerning the contents person responsible according to §10 paragraph 3 MDStV: Tschappeller-Althaler Jennifer
Vertragsbedingungen zur SUPER.SOMMER.CARD
In den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der SUPER.SOMMER.CARD (serfaus-fiss-ladis.at) ist geregelt, dass der Partnerbetrieb (z. B. Beherbergungsbetrieb), welcher die SUPER.SOMMER.CARD. ausstellt, lediglich als Vertreter handelt, so dass ein Vertragsverhältnis zwischen dem Gast einerseits und den Mitgliedern des Skipass Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis andererseits zustande kommt.
www.werbefoto.it, Archiv Jennys Schlössl, TVB Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis (www.artinaction.de, www.foto-mueller.com, www.lightwalk.de, Sepp Mallaun, Foto Mayer, Andreas Kirschner, Edward Gröger, Biketec AG), Maria Galland, shutterstock, Andreas Schalber, Nu Skin, Blitz Licht Design (Georg Trenker).
Concept and design
Werbeagentur Falkner Landeck
Programming and hosting
IHC Landeck
Copyright, Terms of Use
The contents of this website are protected by copyright. Certain contents can be defeated next also by the copyright terms and terms of utilisation of partners or suppliers. The supply of contents and picture of this website on other websites is permitted only with explicit approval of the hotel of Jennys Schlössl. The information contained on this website is provided after the best knowledge and is checked with big care for her correctness. Nevertheless, content and objective mistakes are not to be excluded completely. The hotel of Jennys Schlössl takes over no guarantee and liability for the correctness, actuality and completeness of the provided information. All information is without guarantee.
Liability notice
In spite of careful content control we assume no liability for the contents of external links. For the contents of the verlinkten sides are responsible excluding their operators.
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